IMCTF : CTF by Ir0n Maiden Team at University of Nagoya
I checked some questions for a short time..


png trick


I already has a tool ( not using and almost forgot ) to see the cookie

2. for stranger of storage

storage? It may be saying local or session storage

Find hex to ascii converter web… ( Dealing with these things mainly using web )

Base64 again

3. not any more logging

obfuscated javascript. ( Decoder)

'use strict';
var _0x50b41b = _0x2590;
(function (groupingFunction, val) {
    var toMonths = _0x2590;
    var data = groupingFunction();
    for (; !![];) {
        try {
            var nodeval = parseInt(toMonths(317)) / (-8564 + 2421 + -6144 * -1) + parseInt(toMonths(287)) / (-2 * 1671 + -2819 + 6163 * 1) * (-parseInt(toMonths(289)) / (11 * 203 + -1057 * -7 + -9629)) + parseInt(toMonths(309)) / (-9074 + 29 * 171 + 4119) * (parseInt(toMonths(288)) / (-7 * -56 + 7191 + 3 * -2526)) + -parseInt(toMonths(308)) / (-7649 * -1 + 6529 * -1 + -1114) * (parseInt(toMonths(320)) / (1 * 8490 + -586 * -3 + -10241)) + -parseInt(toMonths(296)) / (-1076 + 7998 + 1 * -6914) * (parseInt(toMonths(313)) /
                (445 * -11 + 581 + 393 * 11)) + -parseInt(toMonths(318)) / (-2 * 2930 + 9402 + -3532) + parseInt(toMonths(311)) / (2 * -2058 + -286 + 4413);
            if (nodeval === val) {
            } else {
        } catch (_0x30eca5) {
})(_0x57ae, 224071 * 7 + 1877649 + -2473965);
var _0x2967b8 = function () {
    var y$$ = !![];
    return function (ch, myPreferences) {
        var voronoi = y$$ ? function () {
            var getPreferenceKey = _0x2590;
            if (myPreferences) {
                var bytes = myPreferences[getPreferenceKey(310)](ch, arguments);
                return myPreferences = null, bytes;
        } : function () {};
        return y$$ = ![], voronoi;
var _0x962b9e = _0x2967b8(undefined, function () {
    var parseInt = _0x2590;
    var data = {};
    data[parseInt(324)] = function (buckets, name) {
        return buckets + name;
    data[parseInt(295)] = parseInt(328) + "nction() ";
    data[parseInt(330)] = parseInt(319) + parseInt(298) + 'rn this")(' + " )";
    data[parseInt(326)] = function (rowTop, clientHeight) {
        return rowTop < clientHeight;
    data[parseInt(306)] = parseInt(290);
    data[parseInt(300)] = parseInt(297);
    var rows = data;
    var callbackVals = parseInt(322)[parseInt(301)]("|");
    var callbackCount = 211 * 35 + 8203 + -1299 * 12;
    for (; !![];) {
        switch (callbackVals[callbackCount++]) {
        case "0":
            var db = result["console"] = result[parseInt(314)] || {};
        case "1":
            try {
                var evaluate = Function(rows[parseInt(324)](rows[parseInt(295)] + rows[parseInt(330)], ");"));
                result = evaluate();
            } catch (_0x19f1d0) {
                result = window;
        case "2":
            var j = 1 * 6559 + -2 * 4079 + 1599;
            for (; rows[parseInt(326)](j, names[parseInt(331)]); j++) {
                var data = _0x2967b8[parseInt(325) + "r"][parseInt(307)][parseInt(312)](_0x2967b8);
                var name = names[j];
                var values = db[name] || data;
                data[parseInt(286)] = _0x2967b8[parseInt(312)](_0x2967b8);
                data["toString"] = values["toString"][parseInt(312)](values);
                db[name] = data;
        case "3":
            var result;
        case "4":
            var names = ["log", "warn", parseInt(292), parseInt(305), parseInt(304), rows["_0x268d36"], rows[parseInt(300)]];

function _0x2590(totalExpectedResults, entrySelector) {
    var tiledImageBRs = _0x57ae();
    return _0x2590 = function searchSelect2(totalExpectedResults, entrySelector) {
        totalExpectedResults = totalExpectedResults - (-319 * -6 + -178 + -1450);
        var tiledImageBR = tiledImageBRs[totalExpectedResults];
        return tiledImageBR;
    }, _0x2590(totalExpectedResults, entrySelector);

function _0x55829c() {
    var stringify = _0x2590;
    var primaryReplicas = {
        "_0x450522": function _cancelTransitioning(cb, TextureClass) {
            return cb(TextureClass);
        "_0x506b49": stringify(315) + stringify(291),
        "_0x349f37": "imctf{is_t" + stringify(323) + stringify(316) + stringify(302)
    primaryReplicas[stringify(294)](alert, primaryReplicas["_0x506b49"]);
    console[stringify(303)](stringify(329) + "on't_need_" + "logging_an" + "y_more}");
document[_0x50b41b(321) + _0x50b41b(327)]("root")["addEventLi" + _0x50b41b(293)](_0x50b41b(299), _0x55829c), console[_0x50b41b(303)] = function () {};

function _0x57ae() {
    var expected = ["length", "__proto__", "461660lOjagx", "97690rUVzsh", "6dWjFYJ", "table", " imctf", "info", "stener", "_0x450522", "_0x3213de", "24ZXVGsU", "trace", 'ctor("retu', "click", "_0x2135f0", "split", "er?}", "log", "exception", "error", "_0x268d36", "prototype", "8940714kEIfNB", "24eYMmjc", "apply", "41941867XQHRnr", "bind", "4980888MkjIqS", "console", "welcome to", "final_answ", "1158226zTrKzX", "5040950RgDVYO", "{}.constru", "7hjjMwm", "getElement", "3|1|0|4|2", "his_flag?_", "_0x3e4895",
        "constructo", "_0x49e28b", "ById", "return (fu", "imctf{we_d", "_0x3e841e"
    _0x57ae = function browserCheck() {
        return expected;
    return _0x57ae();

maybe we can remove clear from here but.. logging something like flag at console before clearing console and I see `imctf{we_d` inside expected lol ^^

Maybe something looks like flag above may be fake since I see some fakes in expected.



1. Ready made default

君は産業スパイとしての身分を隠し、ライバル会社のキーパーソンとの友人関係を構築。自宅へ招かれ、クリスマスの夕食を共にすることになった。相手が席を外したので、Wi-Fi ルーターのパスワードを調べることにした。SSID は TP-Link_3F04_5G だ。まったく、豪邸は敷地の外まで Wi-Fi が届かなくて厄介だな。

フラグ形式 : imctf{ + usename + _ + password + }

TP-Link default id/pw is admin / admin so imctf{admin_admin} is the flag